Whether you accept it or not, voicemail is becoming less popular. As younger generations become significant consumers, business owners, and fill higher-level positions, it’s time to rethink how we look at voicemail. Luckily, voicemail to email can close the increasing communication gap between generations.
As a result of implementing voicemail to email, individuals preferring voice mail can still have their messages received and accessed by more tech-savvy individuals who might normally prefer email as their main method of communication.
Easier collaboration
Since you are receiving your voicemail messages via email, the instant notification results in better responsiveness. Even in times when it may not be appropriate to check your voicemail, you don’t have to leave the message pending until you’re available. Instead, you can forward the email with the voicemail you received to a colleague and delegate a follow-up. If you’re using a CRM, an agent can take action and leave notes based on the interaction or the nature of the message. Creating an organized workflow using this feature keeps everyone in the loop and your caller’s needs served.
Flexibility of on-the-go business
Missing a call on your desk phone doesn’t have to mean missing an opportunity. With voicemail to email, you can receive the messages left on your office phone right to the palm of your hand. Now, you can take that off-site meeting your prospect insisted on without having to worry if you’ll miss out on an important call or if you need to make an extra stop on your way back to the office.
Overall, these scenarios provide a sense of what this PBX system feature really does: it makes operations easier for business owners and their team; if used correctly, this simple concept can take your communications to a whole new level.
Powerful Business Phone Systems that Make Communication Easy
There are apps available to help you organize your inbox, but with comprehensive business phone systems, voicemail to email can alleviate the need for additional apps and cumbersome communication processes. Cater to your current and potential customers with technology that improves their calling experience and positions your business as a trusted and reliable one.